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Important Voter Deadlines in Iowa

Early Voting in Iowa

Absentee Ballot Process in Iowa

•You must be registered to vote in order to request an Absentee Ballot.


•Click here to fill out an Absentee Ballot request.


•Your Absentee Ballot request must be received by your county auditor's office by mail no later than October 24, and in person by November 2.


•Your Absentee Ballot must be postmarked no later than November 2,

and must be received by your county auditor's office no later than November 9.

Click Here for More Information

As the 2020 elections near, Iowans are now able to participate in early voting,  submit absentee ballots, and even register to vote if they have not yet done so. 


We are proud to launch our latest initiative: Voices to Votes, which aims to promote voter turnout in Iowa on Election Day.


Through this project, we will offer remote assistance to Iowans who need help with online voter registration, and will also answer any questions about voting processes and deadlines.


If you need help registering to vote, please click this link to schedule a 10-minute session over Phone/Zoom/Skype, where you can receive one-on-one assistance.


If you have any questions about voting deadlines or processes in Iowa, please click this link to schedule a 10-minute session over Phone/Zoom/Skype.

•You must register to vote in person or online by October 24.


•If you choose to mail your registration form, it must be received by your county auditor no later than October 24 or postmarked no later than October 19.


•Note that you can still register to vote in person on Election Day

(November 3), but should bring a photo ID and proof of residence.

Voter Registration in Iowa

•In-Person Early Voting will take place in Iowa from Monday, October 5,

to Monday, November 2.

© 2020 by Site for Smiles and Smarts.

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